Saturday, 31 October 2009

DreamWeaver Lesson on the 12 & 19/10/09.

DreamWeaver Lesson, 12/10/09.

In our E-media lesson we where introduce to Adobe's DreamWeaver which is a program design for website designing & programing. We were show some of the basic functions, we where also shown how to mange a site & how to set up a root folder.

A root folder is a folder that sits within the user's Hard drive that you can link your site together with. In this folder you can put all the files, i.e: images, HTML pages (Hyper Text Markup Language), & or any other asset you would use, that you would use for your website.

DreamWeaver Lesson, 19/10/09.

In this weeks E-media lesson we reviewed what we did last lesson, & recapped how to define a site. Afterwards we got some tutorials to work through, the tutorials range from how to create & insert Tables, Hyper links, Image hyper links, E-mail Hyper Links, & so on.

I found them personally to be easy to catch on. At the end of the lesson we where told to use what we just learn & had to create our own Website index page. I started to create a format for the bases of my websites index page by using tables, creating a table with 3 rows & 1 column, I was able to create a format that look like this;

(Note the table is meant to be completely white but for demonstration the table has a black boarder.)

This format is basic but with some use of Adobe's Photoshop this could look more interesting.

Thank you,

Friday, 16 October 2009

Stamp Research.

Commemorative Stamps.
Commemorative stamps are a limited release to commemorate a person or an event.

Ceremonial Stamps.
Ceremonial stamps are a limited release that follow an event.

Stop Family Violence, 2004.

This Stamp was design by a six-year-old little girl how had been an victim of Family Violence & therefore her name is not mention in any sources of information but the name of the art director who selected the design was Carl T. Herrman.

This stamp was printed at AVR, Clinton SC, 29325, which is somewhere in the USA. This stamp was made using Dia Nippon Kiko (according to the official release of the stamp).

This stamp style is an hand drawn image expressing what victims of Family Violence must feel.

There are some light colours in the foreground & a lot of dark & dim colours in the background. The typeface is hand drawn & seems like to been done of a backboard to give it some Victorian era kind of feel. I doesn't seem to have much space but for the subject matter it doesn't need it.

Sources used;
Family Violence Fundraising Stamp

London's 1012 Olympics Aquatics.

The Aquatics Diver was illustrated Julian Opie. Where was the stamp made

I can't really find any information about the specific printing process for this stamp, but going on modern day stamps I would say I was ether Laser or Inkjet print because these are the process best suited for this image. These are the best process because Laser will print pixel by pixel & the Inkjet where ink is sprayed onto the paper like an stencil.

The colour is simple & is one block colour, the blue colour seems to represent water of the pool. There is a lot space around the image, this gives the main image stand out more. The image is of an diver jumping into the pool.

Sources used;
Julian Opie's Website I Printing Wiki

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Types of prints.

The are many types of prints that don't use modern day tech, below are just a few of different hand made prints.
From left to right they are; Relief Print, Intaglio Print, Planographic, & Stencil.


Banksy work is always interested me because of the style & he use the wall or canvas as part of the image. For example the image of the whole in the wall give the impression that the whole wall has been painted.

Katsushika Hokusai.

Katsishika has been know for his "36 views of Mount Fuji" Project but some of his other work is every inserting & Influences alot of people. Most of his prainting & print are done by Woodblock printing.

Thank you,

Publishing Lesson 2/10/09.

In the lesson we used the our work of the last four weeks & scan into photoshop. With the scaned images we used photoshop to make brushes, I choosed use my image of the Monkey to tunr into a brush. The process was easy and simple, by putting the image onto a trasperant background & making the image back & white we could save it as a brush template.

In the second half of the lesson we where told to make backgrounds for our blogs, I choose to have a less over powering background unlike the others. My background just has some of the brushes I made from the first half of the lesson. I like this background design mainly because you eye is still drawn to the blog not the background.

Thank you,

Tuesday, 6 October 2009



I've just spent 3 hours work on HTML trying to fixes the site up, below are a list of things I've done;

-Add a background, stop the image from repeating, & move the position of it.
-Changed the Side bar colours.
-Changed the Template to MS. Moto, then changed the colour of the Header, Outer Warp, padding between posts.

All done in HTML.

Plans to;
-Update banner.
-Add icon in search bar.
-Change background with copyright logo.

Thats it, enjoy.

Thank you,

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Print Media Lesson 25/09/09.

This week lesson we learnt how to do etchings, using plastic we cut an image into the surface. This process can also be done with Zinc. After you finished the image you would put oil base pant on the surface until you can't see the image, after that you would rub of the the pant with a cloth in a half circle motion until the layer is nearly of then using some paper (we used scrape yellow pages).

Once the layer is off you get some wet paper & put the the etchings underneath the paper, then you would put the etching through an roller.

The same process you would be able to do a Lilo cut, a Lilo cut is where you cut an image into some rubber or wood & then pant the over the top of it an the print the image onto some paper.

Thank you,