DreamWeaver Lesson, 12/10/09.
In our E-media lesson we where introduce to Adobe's DreamWeaver which is a program design for website designing & programing. We were show some of the basic functions, we where also shown how to mange a site & how to set up a root folder.
A root folder is a folder that sits within the user's Hard drive that you can link your site together with. In this folder you can put all the files, i.e: images, HTML pages (Hyper Text Markup Language), & or any other asset you would use, that you would use for your website.
DreamWeaver Lesson, 19/10/09.
In this weeks E-media lesson we reviewed what we did last lesson, & recapped how to define a site. Afterwards we got some tutorials to work through, the tutorials range from how to create & insert Tables, Hyper links, Image hyper links, E-mail Hyper Links, & so on.
I found them personally to be easy to catch on. At the end of the lesson we where told to use what we just learn & had to create our own Website index page. I started to create a format for the bases of my websites index page by using tables, creating a table with 3 rows & 1 column, I was able to create a format that look like this;
(Note the table is meant to be completely white but for demonstration the table has a black boarder.)
This format is basic but with some use of Adobe's Photoshop this could look more interesting.
Thank you,
Finally saying 'Good-bye'.
12 years ago