Monday, 28 September 2009

File Formats.


In to days lesson we look at different file formats for images, like a JPEG and GIF.

JPEG or Joint Photograph Expert Group, is used for photograph (as the name suggest) & can have 24-bit colour rate & can produce high-quality image at a small file size. The quality is rubbish for professional use because the pixel can blur if the image is enlarged.

Pros: Its great file format for taking photographs.
Cons: The quality is rubbish for professional use.

GIF or Graphic Interchange Format. GIF is used for making logo, it could also be used for animation images. But can only use 256 while the JPEG can use millions.

Pros: Its good at making images with text & low colour images,
Cons: It can only use 256 colours which is a small amount of colour compared to other formats.

PNG or Portable Network Graphics. Is good for pictures with an transparent background but it doesn't compressed as well as JPEG.

Pros: Its great to keep the transparent of an export image.
Cons: Its doesn't compress well.

TIFF or Tagged Image File Format. Is an good format for high quality & don't loses any information in transfer.

Pros: For high quality prints.
Cons: Big file sizes.

SVG or Scalable Vector Graphic. Is used for vector based images, file like this are used Illustrator.

Pros: Can be modified because of the lack of pixels.
Cons: Not great for printing.

Vectors graphics are the opposite to Raster graphics. Vector are made up of lots of different objects so you can sketch the image to any size & still have prefect quality. Vectors use a formula to calculate the colour fill when its sketch.

Raster images or bitmaps are images made of pixels, the differences between Vector images & Raster is that raster images cannot be sketch without losing quality.

Thank you,

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Print Media Lesson 18/09/09.

In the first half of the lesson we where spilt up again into to groups, the first group would have to make a Sun print, Lilo cut, & finish of the organic print we did last week. The stone print I did last week came out well, the images look the as they should but I did rub a bit of the print off on one side. Overall the stone process work really well. After I finished the stone print I try some Lilo cuts, Lilo cut is where you cut an image into wood or rubber, which will later be printed & print on paper & the cut will leave an image on the paper, I've made a cut, as show below, of a weird face.

While I was making the Lilo cut I also did an Sun print, an Sun print is where you use some photogenic paper an you put some items transparent or not into some store of shape. I used a class with small square shapes all around it, I through this would make an interesting pattern but I didn't work as well as I hoped & look just like the out side of the class.

In the second part of the lesson we where taken down to the print room where we did some Relief prints, where we use intersting objects to make parterns like a leaf, bubble warp or a feather. We also did another form of Relief printing where you put two peices of paper on top of a plate of print then draw whatever you want, I found this to be the funnest because I enjoy free drawing, The images came out well apart from one where I push a bit to hard down on the paper.

Thank you,

*(Images coming soon, problem with Blogger's image uploader.)

Monday, 21 September 2009


HTML or Hyper Text Mark up Language is a set of codes that will tell an internet browser how to display the information as the author intended. There are many function for HTML, I've research some of this functions.

Elements are everything in between to the start tag & the end tags. Tags go at the start of the code & looks like this "<", there are usually letters that are code for a word function, for an example "B" in between that tags (the element) would make a word bold.

Formatting a code that will set up the page to look a certain way, for an example you'll be able to format a paragraph by the tags & inserting "P". Attributes are another part of the code that will add a position, colour*, font, & links, for an example if you wanted to add colour you would have to add "color= -------", the - equal the six digits you would to put in to make the text red for an example.

Links, a link is a code used by every website. To like one page from another, for example "url" is the code you would use followed by the link. Frames allow you to veiw more then one page in a browser. Tables are away showing infomation or to make a basic layout for a website.

Hot linking an image.

This is the best site ever, I'm so shallow.

Thank you,

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Print Media Lesson 11/09/09.

The lesson was spilt up into to parts, in the first part of the lesson half the group had to go out and find interesting textures in & around the college using the rubbing technique. There are a few inserting textures like Brick Walls, The lettering on the City of Bath College sign, & leafs but after those textures it gets a bit repetitive.

Original Image

The next part of the lesson we did Fresh Prints, where we made a copy image without the use of a computer onto I there paper or something organic. I brought a stone along and print some of my drawings onto it (as shown above). I don’t have any pictures of the stone this mainly because it takes 24 hours for the image to dry up from printing. Fresh Print is done by using print vanishes to print over the image & then rubbing the image into item you’ve chosen I.E: paper, stone or leather. I have some paper prints but they didn’t come out as well on the scan.

Thank you,

Monday, 14 September 2009

Hello Cleveland!


Its Simon here from New Mad Cowpictures, for my college course I've been told to set up a blog (HI5). On this blog I will post most of my college work as evidence for my national diploma course. So yeah enjoy.

Digital Communication

Digital communication, what does it mean? Digital communication is a broad term that some up most modern day communication like mobile phones, TV & the internet.

Most digital communication fall under the category of Protocols, Devices or Communication methods. The differences between them are as followed, a protocol is the set of a rules that a devices follows. An a example of this is 3G which is an forum of phone network which is used worldwide. A devices is piece of equipment that helps communication between devices, an example of this is a Modem. Communication is away of talking between to devices without beening in the same room, like MSN.

RSS Feed

What is an RSS feed? Really Simple Syndication or as it's sometimes know RSS. RSS is on most websites that have frequently, there is a button that people can click & subscribe to the page & follow that will tell you when they updated there page. Its also for the authors to share there information live. To view this information you'll need a RSS reader that come with Firefox, Google also has a reader if you have an account with them.

Also heres a video, awesome. The video is of my new series The Wasteland.

I got this off You Tube, & used the URL code to embed on to this blog. Awesome.

Thank you,